Transfer of technologies

technol transfer

Research and development activities of RIBM have been related to the beverage industry since its beginning, especially with brewing and malting. Therefore, we can find there rich experience regarding how to react to the needs of industry and how to quickly and efficiently implement the results of research and development into practice.

In RIBM we can find these experts for single areas of transfer:

  • Tomáš Brányik, Věra Hönigová (brewing and malting)
  • Vratislav Psota (barley and malt)
  • Martin Slabý, Aleš Mikyška (beer, hop)
  • Dagmar Matoulková (mikrobiology in beverage industry)
  • Tomáš Vrzal (laboratory analyses in beverage industry)
  • Sylvie Běláková  (contaminants in beverages)