Research and project results
Complete information about projects VaVal performed in RIBM and the results that have been achieved may be found at:
information system VUPSIS:
The work with the system is simple and intuitive:
There are two sections (Research and Results) where the projects performed in RIBM since 1993 are described, and its results are introduced.
The files may be selected, filtered, according to corresponding criteria.
After entering (selecting) criteria, you only click on Filter records button. Then, a list of found results will appear. The detail of the result will show after clicking on the name of the result.
Under the section Results, after the filtration according to the selected criteria (Name, Result, Project, Author from RIBM, Year the result), you may export results in pdf, where the results are stated in quotation format.
- The button Basic export provides export of basic quotation data of the result file.
- The button Complete export adds a possibility to show the relation between results and corresponding projects.
Information about all the VaVal projects funded by public sources and their achieved results may be found in a specific Information system for research, development and innovation (IS VaVal), where information and data regarding the research and development funded by public sources are collected, processed and provided.