LEASE - Senzory laboratory

Sensory laboratory equipped in compliance with the regulation ČSN ISO 8589 is located in Prague 2, Pivovarský dům (Brewery house), Lípová 15.
The equipment of the laboratory enables to perform sensory assessment of not only beverages, but basically all food.
The laboratory may be leased to test own products or to perform various consumer’s tests.
In the premises of the laboratory, together with a meeting room with an audio-visual device, may be organized seminaries and trainings regarding sensory assessment of food.
Equipment of sensory laboratory:
Sensory test room (degustation room), 2 sample preparation rooms (for food and beverages, cold, boiled, baked, etc.), meeting room with an audio-visual device.
Air-conditioned test room (degustation room) where are 12 special degustation boxes equipped with the water supply, a drain, and a special adaptable LED panel for color lighting. In each box there is a signal equipment for the operation, a PC all-in-one for immediate recording of the data of sensorial assessors and the data transfer via s SW and wi-fi network. The supply of fresh air and active removal of smell is ensured.
Barrier-free layout of the laboratory, the sanitary facility and a specially adjusted box enable participation of a handicapped assessor on the panel.
Two preparation rooms are part of the laboratory. Both equipped with all necessary equipment to prepare beverages and wide range of foods, its defined sampling and transportation to the boxes of assessors.
Examples of the equipment- see the Gallery