PC controlled experimental pilot scale brewhouse (50l of wort)
Half scale experimental brewhouse
The vessels of an experimental 300 l brewhouse Caspar Schulz
The half scale experimental brewhouse (300 l)
The automated half scale (300 l) experimental brewhouse
Pilot plant fermenting tanks 50l
Cooled (2 pressured and 2 non-pressured) CKT fermenting vessels in the experimental pilot scale brewery.
Malting technology – laboratory malt house
Control software of the laboratory micromalting plant
Selection of malting technology - programmable control of individual steps
Laboratory micromalting plant
Steeping of barley samples and device for deculming (elimination of rootlets from the finished malt)
Laboratory micromalting plant
kilning of samples 2x 8 kg
General view of micromalting plant
Laboratory of micromalting plant: two steeping boxes, two germination boxes and one-floor electrically heated kiln.
Control software of the laboratory micromalting plant
Control software of the micromalting plant with the visualization of the kilning process
Analytical testing laboratory Prague – examples of an experimental equipment
GC-MS system for determination of the spectrum of terpens and heterocyclic carbonyl compounds in raw materials and beer.
HPLC-HRMS system for determination pesticides and wide range of polyfenolic compounds.
GC-FID a GC-ECD – gas chromatographs
GC-FID and GC-ECD gas chromatographs with FID and ECD detectors for determination of volatile compounds, vicinal diketones, fatty acids, PCB and nitrosamines.
HPLC-RI chromatograph
HPLC-RI - high-performance liquid chromatograph with refractometric detector for determination of sugars and saccharides in sweet wort, hopped wort and beer.
AAS – Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
AAS - atomic absorption spectrometer for determination minerals and heavy metals in water, beer and raw materials
Device for beer analyses - Anton Paar
Alcohol and extract meter for analysis of beer.
Elektrochemical (conductometric) titrator
Conductometric titrator for determination of alpha acids in hops (EBC 7.5).
HPLC/UV/FL – chromatograph
HPLC/UV/FLD - high performance liquid chromatograph with UV and FLD detector for determination bitter compounds in hops and beer, nitrates, preservatives, PAH and furan.
Analytical testing laboratory Brno – examples of an experimental equipment
Gel electrophoresis
Apparatus for the identification and verification of the declared variety of barley
Isotachophoretic analyzer
Apparatus for the determination of organic acids, oxalates and phosphates
Micro Fluo Analyzer
Determination of the malt modification using the fluorescence method
Device for friability determination
Grain sorting
The grain sorting machine
Hellige's neo-comparator
Device for the determination of the color of wort
Automatic micro viscometer
Apparatus for the determination of wort viscosity
HPLC/PDA/FLD – Liquid chromatograph
Apparatus for the determination of selected vitamins, antioxidants, organic acids and other compounds
Apparatus for the determination of the grain characteristics employing the image analysis
GC/MS – gas chromatograph with mass spectrometric detection
Apparatus for the determination of residues of pesticides, acrylamide and other compounds.
Gas chromatographs with FPD or FID detection
Determination of the content of DMS, free sulfur amino acids, treatment of seeds or fatty acids.
Mashing units
Equipment for the preparation of congress wort
HPLC/MS/MS - liquid chromatograph
High-performance liquid chromatograph with mass spectrometric detector for the determination of mycotoxins
Continuous flow analyzer, type SAN ++.
Device for the determination of the diastatic power, α-amylases, β-glucans and α-amino-nitrogen.
UPLC/PDA/FLR Liquid chromatograph
UPLC/PDA/FLR - Liquid chromatograph for the determination of mycotoxins and selected phenolic compounds
Sensory laboratory of the Research Senzory Centre in Prague
Set of sensory evaluation booths
Set of sensory evaluation booths at windows with a triple glazing for a noise reduction, and a possibility of blackout
Sensory evaluation booth
Panoramatic view over the sensory evaluation booths in the sensory lab
Sensory evaluation room
Sensory evaluation room in layout for seminars and education
Sensory evaluation of beer
Member of sensory panel during sensory evaluation of beer
Sensory evaluation booths with colored lights
Sensory booths equiped with lights (LEDs) for coloured illumination of evaluated samples
Sensory evaluation room with booths
Sensory evaluation room
Neutralizer for sensory evaluation of beer
Bun, ham, cheese – neutralizer for sensory evaluation of beer
Meeting room in Sensory Centre
Meeting (educational) room in a sensory lab
Sensory evaluation of beer
Member of sensory panel during sensory evaluation of beer
The entrance to the Senzory lab
Entrance hall with wardrobes and toilets
Sample preparation room I
Room for preparation of beverages for sensory evaluation
Sample preparation room II
Room for preparation of foods for sensory evaluation
Sample preparation room IIB
Room for preparation of foods for sensory evaluation with visible signaling panel from booths
Sensory evaluation
Look into the sensory evaluation room from the sample preparation room (with the signaling panel from booths located over the door)
Meeting (educational) room
Meeting (educational) room in a sensory lab with audiovisual technique
Analytical laboratory of the Research Senzory Centre in Prague
Washroom of laboratory glassware and utensils
Washroom of laboratory glassware and utensils in an Analytical laboratoy of the Research sensory centre
Analytical devices
Devices in an air conditioned room of the Analytical laboratory of the Research sensory centre
The air conditioned room of the Analytical laboratory of the Research sensory centre
AL-UHPLC-MS-MS device in the Analytical laboratory of the Research sensory centre