Malting technologies
The group Basic raw materials and technologies (BRMT) of Malting Institute in Brno offers among others the following services
- Micromalting tests in the laboratory malt house aiming on optimal procedure of steeping, germination and kilning
- Technological audit of production focused on achieving required qualitative parameters
- Cooperation while innovating technological units and their putting into operation
- Working measurement in malt houses (steeping, germination, kilning)
- Assessment of the quality and damage of barley grain in compliance with the regulations or special requests of customers
- Assessment of the quality of milling including a recommendation how to set a malt mill and a laboratory mill
- Reference sample of malt where certain parameters are determined (water content, friability, homogeneity, steely and partly steely malt grain, flour and crushed malt extract, the color of sweet wort, the color of sweet wort after boiling, diastatic power, viscosity, pH of sweet wort, relative extract at 45°C, reachable level of fermentation, total proteins, soluble nitrogen, Kolbach number, β-glucans, haze of wort), including internal reproducibility based on repeated analyses of a homogenized sample. Reference malt is suitable mainly for laboratories of breweries and malt houses.
The analyses and test are performed in Sladařský ústav Brno (Malting Institute Brno).