The employees of the Institute do besides research also the quality control of raw materials and final products. Wide range of analyses are performed with high-tech equipment in the laboratories. Elementary qualitative parameters essential to the decision making in daily production are determined. Highly qualified experts work with modern technologies on special, often unique analyses.
The analytical testing laboratories in Prague and Brno are both accredited by Czech Accreditation Institute under ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025, no. 1309 and 1309.2.
Accredited subjects:
Prague - determination of elementary qualitative parameters and content of contaminants in malt, beer, its ingredients and intermediates, beverages and other products
Brno - determination of analytical parameters in cereals and other grains, malt, malt products, beer and other beverages
VÚPS, a.s. (RIBM, Inc.), is authorized to issue protocols regarding the tests by the regulation of the Ministry of Justice. The analyses are acknowledged by control and hygiene authorities in the CZ and abroad where the results are forwarded solely to the Client. RIBM carefully maintains confidentiality confided by the client while order realization. Should the situation require, the agreement of confidentiality may be concluded to specify the disposal with confidential information of technical or economical character. To its business partners, RIBM provides exclusive discounts for its commercial services.