Public research
The term “public research” means publicly funded research, development and innovation through public project tenders. Due to the quality of our projects, we receive financial support from various providers.
In the Czech Republic research, development and innovation funded by public sources are supported in the form of an institutional and a specific grant.
RIBM seeks both ways of grants to realize all its activities in areas of RDI.
Some examples of recent projects from public project competitions at RIBM:
GAČR (Czech Science Foundation) :
- GA14-10233S Humulus Lupulus L. - source of substances with antimicrobial effect, 2014 -2016
- GAP503/12/1424 Anaerobic food spoiling bacteria and their biofilm forming potentialy, 2012 – 2014
- GA525/06/0663 Monitoring of chemical changes in barley grain after an attack by pathogens to control and enhance the quality of barley and subsequent food product, 2006 – 2008
- GA525/05/0781 Research on nutritional quality of young parts of plants of agricultural crops to develop ”green” food supplements and curative cosmetics, 2005 - 2007
TAČR (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic) :
- TN01000062 Biotechnological centre for plant genotyping, 2018 - 2020
- TH02030280 Spontaneous fermentation in wine production as a manageable technology, 2017 -2020
- TE02000177 Centre for innovative use and strengthening of competitiveness of czech brewery raw materials and products, 2014 -2019
- TA04021252 Development of the equipment for physical treatment of seeds and malt using low-temperature plasma, 2014 -2017
- TA01011363 Research and development of sensor system for determination of diacetyl in beer, 2011 -2013
MŠMT (Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports):
- LO1312 Sensory Research Centre in Prague and Brewhouse for research and development - sustainability and development, 2014 -2019
- EE2.4.31.0026 Support of an innovation transfer in agriculture, food industry an bioenery 2012 -2014, (
- EE2.3.35.0013 Partnership to support R&D popularization and further education in further popularization of technology transfer in the field of agriculture, food industry and bio-energyy, 2012 -2014
- ED3.2.00/12.0236 Specialized library of Applied research in agriculture, 2013 -2015
- 2B08057 Development of modern methods to authenticity assessment of "Czech beer", 2008 -2011
- 2B08049 Free and bound forms of fusarium mycotoxins in cereals and processed products, strategy of control and minimisation, 2008 -2011
- 2B08022 Improvement of the brewery microbiological control system focused on lowering the risk of contamination of alcohol-free, low-alcoholic and unpasteurized beers by strictly anaerobic bacteria of the genus Pectinatus, 2008 -2011
- 2B06037 Development of new methods for characterization of nonfermentable extract that allow identification and evaluation of composition of dextrins typical for Czech beer, 2006 -2010
- MSM6019369701 Research of malting and brewing raw materials and technologies, 2005 -2011
- 1M0570 Research Centre for Study of Extract Compounds of Barley and Hop, 2005 – 2011
MZe (Ministry of Agriculture) :
- QK1910197 The strategy for minimizing the impact of drought on sustainable production and barley malting quality, 2019-2023
- QJ1310091 Malting barley for the "Czech beer", 2013 -2017
- QI111B053 New procedures in utilisation of agricultural products improving food quality, safety, competitiveness and consumer’s nutritional and health benefit, 2011 -2014
- QI101B090 New processes of production of functional cereal and dairy foods and functional bewerages with content of bioactive ingredients from selected vegetable and animal agricultural commodities and with probiotics and procedures for their guality estimation, 2010 -2014
- QI91B227 The importance of hop beta-acids for Czech beer, 2009 -2013
- QH91053 Improvement of barley grain quality using donors with differentiated content of natural compounds with ambivalent nutritional effects, 2009 -2011
- QH82277 Study of barley polyphenoloxidase diversity in relation to quality and production stability, 2008 -2012
- QH81056 Study of enzymatic activity for increasing biological potential of spring malting barley, 2008 – 2012
- QG60130 Minor crops for specific food utilization, 2006 -2009
- QG50041 Quality and safety factors of food cereals, 2005 -2009
MPO (Ministry of Industry and Trade):
- FV30332 The modular technological platform for process control of beer production, 2018-2021
- FI-IM5/067 Research and development of technology susceptible to produce the beer for people with celiac disease (gluten free beer), 2008 -20110
- 2A-2TP1/031 Technology research and preparation of a unique line for the fermentation of historical brewer's yeast strains for an industrial use, 2007 -2011
MK (Ministry of Culture)
- DG18P02OVV067 Culinary Heritage of the Czech Lands: Memory, Presentation and Education, 2018-2022
- DG16PO2R017 Viticulture and enology for maintaining and restoring cultural identity wine regions in Moravia, 2016 -2020
OP Praha Konkurenceschopnost (Operational Programme Prague Competitiveness)
- 2.16/3.1.00/28030 Sensory Research Centre in Prague, 2012 -2013
- 2.16/3.1.00/22136 , Experimental pilot plant brew house, 2009 -2010